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La chirurgie vidéo-assistée de la valve mitrale enfin reconnue!

An increasing number of studies and publications are reporting the benefits of the minimally invasive-endoscopic mitral valve surgery.
Indeed, a large meta-analysis recently published in the Interactive Cardiovascular  Journal concludes, that a minimally invasive approach for mitral valve surgery is safe, effective and significantly more cost-effective than median sternotomy. In the same journal another meta-analysis based on a large number of high-risk patients concluded that, although minimally invasive mitral valve surgery may be associated with longer operative times, it is at least as safe as sternotomy in terms of both mortality and morbidity, in these high-risk groups.
Nous effectuons cette chirurgie depuis 2007 avec une énorme expértise et d’ excellents résultats. En Suisse romande nous avons la plus grande expérience et le plus grand nombre de patients opérés avec ces techniques minimallement invasives. Grâce à ces techniques nous pouvons réparer ou remplacer la valve mitrale, remplacer la valve aortique ou réparer la valve tricuspide.